//11) [From the textbook "C How to program": 10.21] In this exercise, you’ll design a "starter"
                //HealthProfile structure for a person. The structure’s members should include: the person’s first
                //name, last name, gender, date of birth (consisting of separate attributes for the month, day and year
                //of birth), height, and weight. Your program should have a function that:


                typedef struct
                        int month,day,year;

                    typedef struct
                        char first_name[50];
                        char last_name[50];
                        char gender[6];
                        date birth;
                        int weight;
                        int height;

                int fun(HealthProfile person,double *bmi)
                    *bmi= (double)person.weight / (person.height * person.height);
                    return (2022 - person.birth.year);

                int main()
                    double bmi;
                    HealthProfile person;

                    printf("enter first name: ");

                    printf("enter last name: ");

                    printf("enter your gender: ");

                    printf("enter your birthday (mm dd yy): ");

                    printf("enter your weight: ");

                    printf("enter your height: ");


                    printf("the person's first name: %s\n",person.first_name);
                    printf("the person's last name: %s\n",person.last_name);
                    printf("the person's gender: %s\n",person.gender);
                    printf("the person's date of birth: %d %d %d\n",person.birth.month,person.birth.day,person.birth.year);
                    printf("the person's weight: %d\n",person.weight);
                    printf("the person's height: %d\n",person.height);
                    printf("the person's age in years: %d\n",fun(person,&bmi));
                    printf("and his/her BMI: %lf",bmi);


                //12) Trace the following:
                a)	Output =>   a is 4
                                b is 3
                                s1 is I should print second
                                s2 is I should print first

                b)	Output =>   This is the function call of 1,
                                the addition of 0 and 5 is5.

                                This is the function call of 2,
                                the addition of 1 and 4 is5.

                                This is the function call of 3,
                                the addition of 2 and 3 is5.

                                This is the function call of 4,
                                the addition of 3 and 2 is5.

                                This is the function call of 5,
                                the addition of 4 and 1 is5.


                //13) Show the output of the following program:
                Output =>    The size of a_union: 8-byte
                The size of a_struct: 12-byte

                //14) Trace the following program:
                Output =>       3.500000