//1) Write a short program that declares an integer variable and initializes its value to 25. Then declare
                //a pointer to that variable. Print the value by using that pointer.

                int main()
                    int a=25;
                    int *p=&a;


                //2) Write a program similar to the previous one, but instead of an integer, use a string initialized with
                //your own name

                #include <stdio.h>
                int main()
                    char a[]="ahmed";
                    char *p=&a;


                //3) Write a program that:
                //• For a trip, prompts the user for the number of driven miles, and the fuel consumption.
                //• Calls a function with three parameters: (1) the number of miles, (2) the fuel consumption,
                //and (3) the fuel consumption per mile - which is calculated within the function.
                //• Prints the fuel consumption per mile – which is calculated within the function.

                void calculated(double miles,double fuel,double *FperM )
                    *FperM= fuel/miles ;

                int main()
                    double miles,fuel,FperM;
                    printf("enter the number of driven miles: ");
                    printf("and the fuel consumptio: ");
                    printf("the fuel consumption per mile is %.2lf",FperM);


                //4) Write a program that reads 5 integers to an array. The integers should then be printed. Use pointer

                int main()
                    int arr[5];
                    printf("enter the numbers of array: \n");
                    for(int i=0 ;i<5; i++)
                        printf("enter number#%d: ",i+1);
                    for(int i=0 ;i<5; i++)
                        printf("number#%d is %d\n",i+1,*(arr+i));


                //5) Modify the preceding program so that it would calculate the sum of the integers. Use a
                //pointer variable for the sum.

                int main()
                    int arr[5];
                    int x=0;
                    int *sum=&x;
                    for(int i=0;i<5; i++)
                        printf("enter number#%d: ",i+1);
                        *sum= *sum + arr[i];
                    printf("th sum of this number is %d",*sum);