//1) Write a C program to print the following line as shown below:
                int main()
                    printf("You are able to test your skill of writing C code here.");
                    return 0;

                //2) Write a C program to declare two integer and one float variables, then initialize them to 10, 15,
                //and 12.6. It then prints these values on the screen.
                int main()

                    int a=10 , b=15 ; float c=12.6 ;
                    printf(" a=%d  b=%d  c=%.1f ", a , b , c);

                //3) Write a C program to prompt the user (i.e. ask the user) to input 3 integer values and print these
                //values in the reversed order
                int main()

                    int a , b , c ;
                    printf("please enter 3 integer numbers a , b ,and c :- \n");
                    printf("these values in the reversed order: %d %d %d ",c,b,a);


                //4) Given the following pseudo code, write a program that executes it.
                //a. read x  b. read y  c. compute p = x y   d. compute s = x + y   e. total = s2 + p ( s – x ) ( p + y )   f. print total
                int main()
                    int x,y,p,s,total;
                    printf("enter number of x: ");
                    printf("enter number of y: ");
                    printf("total is %d",total);


                //5) Write a C program that finds the area of a triangle. Note: a triangle’s area = 0.5 * base * height
                int main()
                    int base,height;
                    printf("enter base and heihgt: ");
                    printf("area is %.2f",0.5*base*height);