assignment 01

<!-- Type Question 1 Answer Below --> " <!doctype html> " <!-- Type Question 2 Answer Below --> " Quirks mode " <!-- Type Question 3 Answer Below --> " no " <!-- Type Question 4 Answer Below --> " no " <!-- Type Question 5 Answer Below --> " They are used as titles The <h1>-<h6> elements represent six levels of section headers, The largest of them is <h1> and it gradually decreases in size and the <h6> element the lowest " ________________________________________________________________________

assignment 02

<p class="element">Welcome To The New World</p> <p class='element'>Welcome To The New World</p> <p class=element>Welcome To The New World</p> هل هناك إختلاف بين هذه العناصر عندما يتم إظهارهم في الصفحة أم لا ؟ لا ________________________________________________________________________

assignment 03

<p class=element hidden>Welcome To The New World</p> <p class="element" hidden>Welcome To The New World</p> هل هناك إختلاف بين هذه العناصر عندما يتم إظهارهم في الصفحة أم لا ؟ لا ________________________________________________________________________

assignment 04

<p>Hello World</p> <p> Hello World </p> <p> Hello World </p> <p> Hello World </p> هل هذه العناصر سوف تظهر كلها بنفس الشكل أم لا ؟ نعم ________________________________________________________________________

assignment 05

title => Global Attributes href => no Global Attributes src => no Global Attributes hidden => Global Attributes charset => no Global Attributes class => Global Attributes id => Global Attributes type => no Global Attributes ________________________________________________________________________

assignment 06

<html> <head> <title> shoes and clothes store </title> <meta name="description" content="A shoe and clothing store, there are 3 products of shoes and 3 products of clothing" /> <meta name="author" content="ahmed" /> </head> <body> <h1> shoes</b> and <b>clothes</b> store </h1> <p> A shoe and clothing store, A shoe and clothing store, there are two sections, the first section contains 3 products of shoes and the second section contains 3 products of clothes. This shop is located in Ain Shams </p> <h2> <b>first section:</b> shoes </h2> <h3> Athletic Shoes </h3> <p> Dedicated to sports people and available in all branches</p> <p> 60$ <del> 75$ </del></p> <h3> children Shoes </h3> <p> Dedicated to children and available in some branches</p> <p> 40$ <del> 60$ </del></p> <h3> youth Shoes </h3> <p> Dedicated to youth and available in some branches</p> <p> 100$ <del> 107$ </del></p> <h2> <b>seconed section</b> clothes </h2> <h3> Baby jeans pants </h3> <p> Dedicated to children and available in some branches</p> <p> 40$ <del> 60$ </del></p> <h3> jacket </h3> <p> 90$ <del> 200$ </del></p> <h3> t-shirt </h3> <p> 90$ <del> 200$ </del></p> </body> </html> ________________________________________________________________________

assignment 07

<h1>My Page</h1> <h5>This Is My Page</h5> <h5>This Is My First Work</h5> <h2>Section One</h2> <h5>This Is Section One</h5>